Politique de confidentialité

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter “the Regulation”), AVOCONSEIL is “controller” of the data collected on its behalf on avoconseil.com(hereafter “the Site”) or when it is used for commercial or informational purposes.

In this capacity, AVOCONSEIL undertakes to comply with the rules and obligations set out in said Regulation.

1. Processing purposes and conditions

Site Users are informed that the information communicated to AVOCONSEIL is always strictly necessary for the services offered on the Site and is intended solely for AVOCONSEIL department(s) in charge of said services.

AVOCONSEIL undertakes not to carry out any commercial canvassing with the data exchanged on the Site, except with the data subject’s express and prior consent regarding same.  Such consent will be expressed when ticking a box on a form and may be withdrawn at any time.

The methods of data processing carried out by AVOCONSEIL on the Site are as follows.

– The objectives pursued are:

  • The provision of a contact form and the provision of a response adapted to the needs of the people using the service. Any data collected prior to the execution of a Contract with AVOCONSEIL will be processed on the basis of the data subject’s consent regarding same
  • The provision of a registration form for the AVOCONSEIL newsletter service.
  • The integration of cookies facilitating the User’s navigation and allowing certain essential functions of the Site. Cookie’s policy is set out in [section 5.] of this Privacy Policy. It can be configured at any time via a pop-up module integrated into the Site and allowing the management of Users’ consents (Updates in progress).

-The Personal Data processed on the Site are the following: surname, first name, company name, telephone number, e-mail address and navigation data (IP address, browsing time, browser used) of the data subject. Any other data appearing in the blank fields in the contact form could not be anticipated by AVOCONSEIL. Nevertheless, such information will benefit from a similar protection as the data requested or required.

– The categories of data subjects are all persons, natural or legal persons, wishing to benefit from information or a service from AVOCONSEIL and making use of the Site (with the exception of minors who are deemed to be outside the professional sphere as referred to by AVOCONSEIL).

Data retention periods vary depending on the purposes to be achieved:

  • Concerning the contact form, the data submitted will be kept for two (2) years as from the date of collection.
  • Concerning the subscription to the newsletter, the email address will be kept for a duration of three (3) years, renewable by a new agreement, except early un-subscription request.
  • Cookies will be automatically deleted after one (1) year, except request for early deletion.

2. Data subject rights

In accordance with Chapter III pertaining to data subject rights, Clients enjoy a right of access, rectification, erasure, updating and portability with respect to their Personal Data, which may be exercised via the following means:

  • By postal service:

2 Avenue Jeanne d’Arc
49100 Angers

  • By e-mail:


The message must refer to the following object: “Exercise of my rights” and have an attachment with a copy of the data subject’s identity document.

In accordance with the provisions of the same chapter, the user may also object to the processing of his/her data. Outside the contractual framework, the consent provided for data processing may be withdrawn at any time by the data subject. The exercise of such rights can also be done via the above-mentioned e-mail and according to the same requirements.

AVOCONSEIL also informs Site Users that they have the right to make a complaint and claim for compensation if, in the course of a data processing operation, Users consider that they have been harmed by said processing operations. Users are encouraged to visit the CNIL website for more information on this topic.

3. Recipients & Subcontracting

The creation and maintenance of the Site are carried out by the company ATELIER ASAP and the company OVH hosts the Site (hereinafter referred to as “the Processors”) on behalf of AVOCONSEIL.

AVOCONSEIL hereby declares having investigated and selected said Processors for their level of Personal Data protection in accordance with the requirements set forth by applicable Regulation. The Processors have undertaken, in the same way as AVOCONSEIL, to comply with the provisions of the said Regulations and to enable AVOCONSEIL by any means to meet its legal obligations with respect to, in particular, data subject rights as mentioned above.

The Processors have also undertaken not to subcontract Personal Data without AVOCONSEIL’s prior information and approval regarding same.  AVOCONSEIL will then verify, when a subprocessor is used, that the level of Personal Data protection enforced by said subprocessor is equivalent to the one applied and enforced by its Processors.  This right of review is a decisive and essential component of AVOCONSEIL’s subcontracting agreements.

AVOCONSEIL and its Processors jointly undertake to ensure that the Personal Data collected within the context of the Site is always processed and hosted within the European Union.

4. Security

AVOCONSEIL undertakes to adopt all necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure the physical and electronic security of the Personal Data and to maintain the same until such data is deleted.  AVOCONSEIL also undertakes to notify the Client and the competent Supervisory Authority of any breach of Personal Data security within forty-eight (48) business hours of having detected any such breach. These rules are also applied by AVOCONSEIL’s Processors.

5. Rules of confidentiality specific to lawyers

Information submitted on the Site and, more generally, during discussions with any interlocutors of the law firm AVOCONSEIL, is confidential and covered by professional secrecy (Article 226-13 of the French Criminal Code), by secrecy of correspondence (Article 226-15 of the French Criminal Code) and is subject to the professional rules applying to lawyers, regardless of the sender or recipient.

6. Cookies

Information can be collected with cookies (small text files placed on the website user’s hard drive that store information about them and which can be consulted by this site).

A cookie does not allow AVOCONSEIL to identify website users.  In general, cookies record information relating to browsing activity on the Site (the pages of the Site consulted by the website user, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that can then be read during subsequent visits. In this case, it contains the information provided by the Site User.

On its Site, AVOCONSEIL uses Cookies for Google Analytics statistics.

AVOCONSEIL informs the User that he or she may oppose the registration of cookies by adjusting the parameters of the pop-up module available on the Site avoconseil.com. Only cookies that are mandatory for the proper functioning of the site cannot be opposed by the User.

If the Site User refuses the so-called “functional” cookies, he acknowledges that some functions and features of the site may not function properly.

Furthermore, AVOCONSEIL informs the User that if, in general, the User wishes to oppose the collection of cookies, he can do so by configuring his browser (e.g. in the “options tool” menu of Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Explorer). Most browsers provide instructions for rejecting them in the “Help” section of the toolbar.